About Me
Hey! My name is Ike Retnowati

Web Designer & Developer, Software Engineer.
I am a Web Designer,Web Developer & Software Engineer
- Birthday: 21 February 2002
- Phone: +6281318905687
- City: Sukoharjo, Central Java, Indonesia
- Website: https://ikkeretno.wordpress.com
- Email: ikeretno212@gmail21@gmail.com
I have been working as a front-end developer since 2021. I've always been someone who has both a creative and logical side. When I discover web design in high school. I realized it would be the perfect fit. I could use my creative side to design and my logical side to code. As a boonus, being both designer and developer alows me to make sure n details is lost in translation.
The following are some of the skills I have:
Ike Retnowati
I have been working as a web developer and designer since 2021. I've always been someone who has both a creative and logical side. When I discover web design in high school. I realized it would be the perfect fit. I could use my creative side to design and my logical side to code. As a boonus, being both designer and developer alows me to make sure n details is lost in translation.
- Sukoharjo, Central Java, Indonesia
- +6281318905687
- ikeretno212@gmail.com
Turkish Language
2021 - present
Yunus Emre Enstitusu
Yunus Emre Institute (Turkish : Yunus Emre Enstitüsü) is a world – wide non profit organization created by the Turkish government 2007. Named after the famous 14th – century poet Yunus Emre, it aims to promote Turksh Language and culture around the world. İt has been regarded a Turkish soft power institution and wash created by decree by Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. The activities, branching and networking of the institute has most instensely been centered in and around the Balkans region. in Yunus Emre Enstitüsü, I was learned about Turkish Language in Writing, reading, listening and conversation aspect.
Computer & Network Engineering
2016 - 2019
SMK Negeri 1 Sukoharjo, Indonesia
- General:
▪ Mathematic
▪ English, Indonesian, Javanesse Language
▪ Civic Education
- Occupational :
▪ Basic Programming
▪ Computer System
▪ Computer Assembly
▪ Web Programming
▪ Basic Network
▪ Operating System
Internship Experience
Web Developer & Designer
1 November 2021 - 1 December 2021
The Spark Foundation
- Create Payment Gateway Integration
Frontend Developer
October 2021 - November 2021
Suven Consultants & Technology Pvt. Ltd.
- Create Basic Calculator App
- Create CRUD App with Angular – Php & MySQL
- Create E-Commerce Web Apps
Production Staff
5 March 2018 - 5 May 2018
IT Center Yogyakarta (CV.SIC Yogyakarta)
- Game Development : Make 2D Games, Make 3D Games, Adventure Games, Make Education Games
- Web Development : HOSTING, DOMAIN, Create a Personal Website.
- Other Services : Create Animated Advertisements, Arrange Music, Create Database and Scripts, Create virus and Anti Virus programs.
- Computer and Network :Assemble PC, Laptop Hardware and Software Service, Operating System Installation,Create a WiFi Network, Create android apps.
Marketing Staff
5 March 2018 - 5 May 2018
IT Center Yogyakarta (CV.SIC Yogyakarta)
- Spread and expand the network of cooperation with various agencies, campuses, schools, students, and Online.
- Make a journal report after my internship.
Sukoharjo, Central Java, Indonesia 57562